Dirk Kretzschmar - Managing Director at TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH and Member of the Group Management TÜV NORD GROUP
Dirk Kretzschmar has been an expert in IT and IT Security for more than 25 years. He is graduated engineer and holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Dirk Kretzschmar is married and has one adult daughter. 1988 Dirk Kretzschmar started at German Telekom in Berlin and moved 1991 to Munich to join Siemens Company as Project Manager for international Data Networks.
After various management positions he founded and headed from 1999 to 2006 the international Technical Sales Consultants Organization for mobile applications at Siemens Mobile Networks with three Centers of Competence. 2006 to 2009 he changed to EADS as Vice President Programs and Customer Care in Ulm Germany and was responsible for the organization and project setup for the German professional mobile radio network BOSNET.
In 2009 he joined Rohde & Schwarz SIT Berlin into the position Executive Vice President Sales Project Management and Head of R&D Crypto Systems, Member of the Board.
Since June 1, 2015 he has started his new position as Managing Director of TÜVIT. Following the reorganisation of the management structure, Kretzschmar became a member of the TÜV NORD Group Executive Committee and is responsible for the Business Unit IT.