It is a highly anticipated Monday in a data center in Würzburg, Franconia; inside, the guests and employees are eagerly awaiting the ceremonious occasion. The day has finally arrived: the long-awaited certificate, which was earned with much blood, sweat and tears – in this case with the character of an anniversary.
After the review of approximately 150 different plans and documents, the on-site audit and the preparation of a detailed assessment report, the company Rechenzentrum Würzburg GmbH (RZW), a subsidiary of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German Pension Insurance) Group, has now officially had the security, availability and quality of its data center confirmed by TÜViT -– under "hand and seal". As a result, RZW can now extensively satisfy the demand for a highly secure and available data center, as well as being able to visibly show this to the outside world.
A reason to celebrate on both sides: On the one hand, one of the two ceremoniously presented documents is the 500th TSI certificate and therefore an anniversary for TÜViT. “To us, issuing this certificate is special as well. The 500th certificate is a striking milestone in the rapid increase in the demand for this certification. The 600th certificate is already ‘within eyesight’," says Joachim Faulhaber, Global Product Manager Data Center.
On the other hand, RZW is pleased with the successfully completed initial certification – not only with regards to the TSI.STANDARD (Trusted Site Infrastructure), but also the EN 50600 (series of European data center standards). "In this way, we are not only showing that we have effectively implemented the current state-of-the-art technology, but are also demonstrating our comparability on the international stage. This is very important to us in view of the fact that the social data entrusted to us is worthy of protection," explains Norbert Löffler, Chief Executive Officer of RZW.
The TSI.STANDARD, which was introduced to the market 18 years ago, is now considered to be the de facto standard for all types of data centers and documents the state-of-the-art technology. Achieving "Level 3 (extended)" makes the following clear: RZW exceeds the strict requirements of the body of criteria and is therefore considered to offer high availability. At the same time, the certification according to EN 50600 confirms the ability to operate an energy-efficient computer center. In both cases, the basis of consideration was the critical supply infrastructure. This includes, among other things, not only the air conditioning and electrical supply, the security systems and cabling, but also the facility management with its processes and responsibilities.
Until the successful final certification, TÜViT, other RZW partners and employees worked together intensively during the construction phase: From the conception and evaluation of the planning process, the on-site appointments accompanying construction, through to the acceptance test of the structural trades. All this was done to ensure that RZW enjoys the greatest possible level of security in the implementation of the data center from the very beginning.
This intensive cooperation is now being rewarded by the ceremonious presentation of the certificates. "We would like to thank TÜViT, our partners and – last but not least – our employees," explains Norbert Löffler, the Chief Executive Officer of RZW.
About TÜViT
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH focuses solely on security in information technology and, as an independent testing service provider for IT security, is an international leader. Numerous corporations already benefit from the TÜViT-tested security. Its portfolio includes cyber security, software and hardware evaluation, IoT/Industry 4.0, data protection, ISMS, Smart Energy, mobile security, automotive security, eID and identity verification services as well as the testing and certification of data centers for physical security and high availability. TÜV Informationstechnik, founded in 1995 and headquartered in Essen, Germany, is a member of the TÜV NORD GROUP, one of the world's largest technology service providers with over 10,000 employees and business activities in 70 countries worldwide. TÜViT is the brand of the IT division of the TÜV NORD GROUP and is one of six global business units.

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